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***********HOW TO AVOID SCAMS********

There are usually two factors in almost every case. People looking for either a price point that does not exist or a time frame of I want it now. These two things will get you scammed. You are not going to find a $600 dollar Maine Coon from a breeder. Most breeders keep their kittens for four months so that means that from start to finish one litter takes a breeder 6 solid months of time.

Here are some red flags you can use to make sure you are speaking to an actual breeder. Scams are very easy to spot. No one should be getting to the point of losing money before realizing there is no kitten coming. To help make sure this doesn't happen please look for the following things.

Not all are red flags but in combination with other red flags you should be cautious.

*PRICE; Maine Coons are a very expensive breed to breed. The price usually reflects the money invested in breeding. $2000 to 4500 should be expected when going through a responsible breeder. When you see them for $600 that is usually what the deposit is. Do not fall for the too good to be true.

Availability; Looks at their site/group/page. Are all the kittens the same age. Is the background in the picture the same. Most scammers use photo's stolen from real breeders. Breeders will post updates and pictures from birth to the time they are ready to go to their forever home's.. They will also post pictures of the parents, what the color is of the kitten, sex and the date of birth. Scammers will change their location and IP address and usually won't answer direct questions. 

Never pay for a kitten with a gift card, that's a huge red flag!  Breeders will communicate openly and honestly with you and if they don't then they are not a legit breeder. Ask a lot of questions and get answers that make sense. Hope this helps! 

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